Bibliographie de base

  1. Obahoundje S., Nguessan Bi V.H., Kouassi K., Ta M., Amoussou E. and Diedhiou A. (2020): Validation of Three Satellite Precipitation Products in Two South-Western African Watersheds: Bandama (Ivory Coast) and Mono (Togo). Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, 10, 597-613.
  2. Kodja D. J., Akognongbé S.J.A., Amoussou E., Mahé G., Vissin W.E., Paturel J-E., and Houndénou C. (2020): Calibration of the hydrological model GR4J from potential evapotranspiration estimates by the Penman-Monteith and Oudin methods in the Ouémé watershed (West Africa). Proc. IAHS, 383, 163–169, 2020,
  3. Koubodana H. D., Adounkpe J., Tall M., Amoussou E., Atchonouglo K., Mumtaz M. (2020): Trend Analysis of Hydro-climatic Historical Data and Future Scenarios of Climate Extreme Indices over Mono River Basin in West Africa. American Journal of Rural Development, 2020, Vol. 8, No. 1, 37-52, DOI:10.12691/ajrd-8-1-5.
  4. Amoussou E., Awoye H, Totin Vodounon H.S., Obahoundje S., Camberlin P., Diedhiou A., Kouadio K., Mahé G., Houndénou C. and Boko M., (2020): Climate and Extreme Rainfall Events in the Mono River Basin (West Africa): Investigating Future Changes with Regional Climate Models. Water 202012, 833, 1-27.
  5.  Sidibe M.,  Dieppois B., Eden J., Mahé G., Paturel J-E., Amoussou, E, Anifowose B., Van De Wiel M. & Lawler D. ‘Near-term impacts of climate variability and change on hydrological systems in West and Central Africa’, Climate Dynamics, 2020, vol. 54, no. 3-4, 2041-2070. DOI 10.1007/s00382-019-05102-7.
  6.  Mongbo F. A. B., Amoussou E. et Cledjo F.G.A. P. (2019) : Modélisation de la dynamique des crues dans le bassin versant de l’Ouémé a l’exutoire de Bétérou. Climat et Développement, n°27, Décembre 2019, pp5-17.
  7. Koungbanane D., Totin Vodounon S. H., Amoussou E., Zahiri P. E. & Laré L.Y. (2019) : Variabilité hydro-climatique et risques d’inondation dans le bassin versant de l’Oti au Togo. Revue de Géographie de l’Université de Ouagadougou, N° 08, Vol. 1, octobre 2019, pp1-17.
  8. Ouermi K. S., Paturel J-E., Adounpke J., Lawin A. E., Goula B. T. A. & Amoussou E. (2019):  Comparison of hydrological models for use in climate change studies: A test on 241 catchments in West and Central Africa. Geoscience 351 (2019), pp 477-486
  9. Sidibe, M., Dieppois, B., Eden, J., Mahé, G., Paturel, J. E., Amoussou, E., Anifowose, B., Lawler, D., (2019): Interannual to Multi-decadal streamflow variability in West and Central Africa: Interactions with catchment properties and large-scale climate variability. Global and Planetary Change.
  10. Obahoundje S., Diedhiou A., Antwi Ofosu E., Anquetin S., François B., Adounkpe J., Amoussou E., Kouame Y. M., Kouassi K. L., Nguessan Bi V. H. and Youan Ta M., (2018): Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Changes of Land Use and Land Cover over South-Western African Basins and Their Relations with Variations of Discharges. Hydrology 2018, 5(4), 56.
  11. Amani A. & Paturel J.-E. Le projet de révision des normes hydrologiques en Afrique de l’Ouest et Afrique Centrale. La Météorologie, 2017, 96, p. 6-7 10.4267/2042/61964
  12. FAO. Crues et apports – Manuel pour l’estimation des crues décennales et des apports annuels pour les petits bassins versants non jaugés de l’Afrique sahélienne et tropicale sèche. Bulletin FAO d’irrigation et de Drainage, 54, FAO, 1996.
  13. Puech C. & Chabi-Gonni D. Courbes Hauteur de Pluie-Durée-Fréquence – Afrique de l’Ouest et Centrale pour des pluies de 5 minutes à 24 heures, CIEH, Ouagadougou, 1984.
  14. Soro G. E. Modélisation statistique des pluies extrêmes en Côte d’Ivoire, Thèse unique, Université Abobo-Adjamé, Abidjan, 2011.
  15. Bodian, A., Diop, L., Panthou, G., Dacosta, H., Deme, A., Dezetter, A., Ndiaye, P.M., Diouf, I., Vischel, T. (2020). Recent Trend in Hydroclimatic Conditions in the Senegal River Basin. Water 2020, 12, 436.
  16. Faty, B., Ali, A., Dacosta, H., Bodian, A., Diop, S., Descroix, L. (2018). Assessment of satellite rainfall products for stream flow simulation in Gambia watershed. African Journal of environmental Science and Technology, Vol. 12(12), pp. 501-513, December 2018
  17. Kouame, Y.M., Obahoundje, S., Diedhiou, A., François, B., Amoussou, E., Anquetin, S., Didi, R.S., Kouassi, L.K., N’guessan Bi, V.H., Soro, E.G., Yao, E.K. (2019). Climate, Land Use and Land Cover Changes in the Bandama Basin (Côte D’Ivoire, West Africa) and Incidences on Hydropower Production of the Kossou Dam. Land 2019, 8, 103. 
  18. Ngounou Ngatacha B., Borrell Estupina V., Ernoult E., Sebag D., Montet E., Bricout A. Kamagate B., YAO B., Ndam Ngoupayou J.R., Hounsou M., Vandervaere J-P., Salgot M., Bielders C., Servat E. (2018). Projet MAREMA (Master Ressources en Eau et Risques Environnementaux dans les Métropoles Africaines). Friend 2018 Algerie. 3RDInternational Conference On African Large River Basin Hydrology (ICALRBH). Springer nature editions.
  19. Ouermi, K.S., Paturel, J.-E., Adounpke, J., Lawin, A.E., Bi Tie, A.G., Amoussou, E. (2019). Comparison of hydrological models for use in climate change studies: A test on 241 catchments in West and Central Africa. Comptes rendus – Geosciences,
  20. Sambou, S., Dacosta, H., Paturel, J.-E., (2018). Variabilité spatio-temporelle des pluies de 1932 à 2014 dans le bassin versant du fleuve Kayanga–Gêba – République de Guinée, Sénégal, Guinée-Bissau (2018). Physio-Géo – Géographie Physique et Environnement, 2018, Volume 12, 61-78
  21. Sane, Y., Panthou, G., Bodian, A., Vischel, T., Lebel, T., Dacosta, H., Quantin, G., Wilcox, C., Ndiaye, O., Diongue-Niang, A., Diop Kane, M. (2018). Intensity–duration–frequency (IDF) rainfall curves in Senegal. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 18, 1849–1866.
  22. Sidibe, M., Dieppois, B., Mahé, G., Paturel, J-E., Amoussou, E., Anifowose, B., Lawler, D. (2018). Trend and variability in a new, reconstructed streamflow dataset for West and Central Africa, and climatic interactions, 1950 – 2005. Journal of Hydrology.
  23. Sidibe, M., Dieppois, B., Eden, J., Mahé, G., Paturel, J.-E., Amoussou, E., Anifowose, B., Lawler, D., (2019). Interannual to Multi-decadal streamflow variability in West and Central Africa: Interactions with catchment properties and large-scale climate variability. Global and Planetary Change.
  24. Wilcox, C., Vischel, T., Panthou, G., Bodian, A., Blanchet, J., Descroix, L., et al. (2018). Trends in hydrological extremes in the Senegal and Niger Rivers. Journal of Hydrology, 566, 531‑545.